Your organisation provides an outline of the profile of the employees attending the presentation and the topics you would like focus on. Nicola will personalise a presentation based on these inputs.
Examples of areas include: gut health, recognising and managing stress, building resilience, the importance of sleep and exercise, interpreting food labels, meal/snack ideas for the workplace, reducing toxins, nutrition for fitness and cooking tips for singles/families.
Length of talk can be taillored to your needs.
Perfect for an extended lunch session - NIcola will do an informal and interantive talk on personalised nutrition over a 1.5 to 2 hour period with time for engagement and plenty of questions and discussion. She will also demo a couple of easy to replicate healthy dishes such as homemade hummus and vegan pesto. This can be extended into a longer session with more nutrition and/or cookery elements as required.
In person or via Zoom, Team members are offered private consultations and can benefit from some one on one time with a qualified Nutritional Therapist where they can seek advise and guidance regarding their health concerns. Typically these mini consultations are a minimum of 30 minutes but a programme can be tailored to a company's specifications.
The consultation will begin to explore lifestyle and dietary measures to address staff member’s health concerns. Common health concerns include stress management, digestive problems, energy imbalances, food allergies/intolerances, heart health/high cholesterol/blood pressure, diabetes/pre-diabetes, weight management, skin problems, immune system issues, vitamin or mineral deficiencies, hormonal issues.
Alternatively, staff members without specific health concerns may choose to get general advice on subjects such as children’s nutrition or cooking for families, specific diets, healthy eating, managing sugar cravings or nutrition for sports performance..
All consultations will include direct email communication between Nicola and the staff member (subject to the staff member’s agreement) in the week following the consultation where Nicola can provide any follow up materials required that may have been discussed in the session, e.g. recipes, factsheets, specific recommendations etc
More than one Nutritional Therapist can be made available depending on numbers of staff members seeking consultations.
This option can be combined with a talk or cookery demo if required.
In person or via Zoom. Typically organisations will schedule up to 7 consultations per day (or 14 where 2 Nutritional Therpaists are booked).
Full personalised Nutritional Therapy Consultations (usually 55 minutes).
A staff member seeking a consultation will be required to complete a short health and lifestyle questionnaire before the consultation.
Following the face to face consultation, the staff member will be sent their personalised Recommendation document outlining a first stage tailored action plan which can include nutrition and lifestyle action steps, recipes, factsheets and supplement recommendations where appropriate.