Who Should take this Test?
Health concerns should always be discussed with a medical practitioner. However, if having ruled out a medical issue, you are still experiencing unexplained symptoms such as digestive problems, skin conditions, fatigue or migraine, you may be suffering from a food intolerance.
Your gut is home to 70% of your immune system. You can support your gut health by reducing your “immune load”, and removing ingredients that may be causing it to overwork from your diet.
This premium test measures food specific IgG reactions to over 200 food and drink items. Results listed in easy-to-read traffic light values: high, borderline, and normal reactivity.
Who should NOT take this Test?
If you are taking immunosuppresents or steroids, your results may be impacted. If this is the case, please contact nicola@thefoodclinic.ie to discuss your particular situation before placing an order.
This test will not test for:
- True allergies (IGE reactions)
- Enzyme Deficiencies (e.g. Lactose Intolerance)
- Automimmune Conditions (e.g. Ceoliac disease)
This test is not suitable if:
- Pregnant or breastfeeding
- Under 18
If you have any questions as to the suitability of this test, please reach out by emailing nicola@thefoodclinic.ie or sending a whats app to 086 8383130.